Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Watches Design & Concept Have Never Been This Interesting

Pencil vs Camera, a great mix of photography and illustration by Ben Heine

The everyday lives of superheroes: 20 awesome images

Ian Pool Gregg Segal Dulce Pinzòn Wiseacre Photo Agan Harahap

Design in motion, 15 fantastic kinetic typography videos

Showbread – The Journey ABC YO-YO The Ten Commandments The 8 rules of Fight Club The Beatles – Help! 70 Years of Revolutionary Protest Music The Hush Sound – Lions Roar Kinetic typography of human rights Social Life, With Friends Minimalism – Kinetic Typography Poem Kanye West – I Wonder The Idiots are Taking Over NOFX Kinetic Typography Sherlock Holmes Kinetic

The genius of Aaron Nace, 15 fantastic photo manipulations

Forever young #1 Forever young #2Forever young #1

Food for Thought – Creative Food Advertising

If there is one category of advertising that I really love and which can also get me salivating it’s ‘Food’. Advertisers are always thinking up clever ways to get us excited about brands food products with some creative and clever advertising. Take a break and take a look and get some food for thought. Yummy!

Inception: 30 awesome posters, infographics and photo manipulations

and two bonus images… ;)

20 new business cards – Best of october 2010

and this is how you advertise circumcisions….lol

Bodies in urban spaces by Willi Dorner. Some creative and crazy photos…

35 of the most incredible and creative bookshelves ever

Sometimes the best solution is very “simple”. Try to organize your books by colour… But this is the best…i think…

The amazing photorealistic oil paintings by Linnea Strid