Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Best Artworks Ever

Medieval Defence by Ann Garrett
Charted Waters by Natalie Kelsey
Joy in Mobius by Scott Ferman
Flower of Light by Anne Vis
Hyperbole by Scott Ferman
A Diaphanous Existence by Lyle Hatch
Michelangelo's Dream by Sherry Holder Hunt
Deep Sea by Dan Turner
Blazing Sky by Jenn Dixon
WeaveWorld by Lyle Hatch
Tropical by Scott Ferman
fractal dandelion by Pam Atkins
Hope fractal by Jenn Bass

Well Defined and Excellent Art Work photography

Transportation is one of the daily keys to human life in the modern age. Whether you’re commuting to work in your car, or flying halfway around the world on an airplane, odds are that you rely on transportation for your daily activities. However, rarely do we step back and analyze the beauty and inspiration that is present in transportation. For photographers, transportation vehicles such

Amazing and Coolest Pictures ever taken on this planet

One of the growing areas in photography is taking photographs that are so brilliant that the viewer will initially conclude that they must have been significantly altered or manipulated in Photoshop. There are entire blogs devoted to showcasing these images, and the photographers who take them. A combination of perfect composition, lighting, color and timing are required to capture these

Excellent Sports photography

One of the most important aspects of photography is the fact that it represents only a single moment in time. As opposed to video, where the viewer can see both the beginning and end to the event, a photograph offers only a snapshot of the event. Many photographers utilize this aspect to create absolutely brilliant photographic works of art. By not giving the viewer a preview or end to

Best Ever Photography Under the Sea

Outer space may be the final frontier, but humanity knows almost as little about the depths of our oceans as the depths of space. Earth’s oceans have fascinated humanity for millenia, resulting in a variety of myths from the Earth being flat with the oceans simply pouring off into space, the kraken, and mermaids. Beyond the myths, however, lies an incredible variety of life and color. This

Amazing Photos Mixtures From some of Greatest Web Designers

There are many art forms which awe and inspire us all, we are all often green with envy in some people’s masterful talents when it comes to digital art. With the advancements of digital graphics software peoples skills have risen and grown to showcase masterful works of art. Here are 25 masterful works of photo manipulations created by some of the best digital artists on the web. All

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Cool Rising Photography

one wouldnorthern colorado

yosemite firesyosemite national park
from the firesunset through the smoke
from the passleaving the snow storm
in sunnorth of tehachapi, ca
endlessrain storm in wyoming
linesafter the rain
relocationistescape from some prison
saltdawn on the flats

Street Installations

London Winston-Salem, NC Winston-Salem, NC Winston-Salem, NC Winston-Salem, NC Seoul, Korea Royan, France